Delaying your destiny!

Over the last week I heard a great teaching on moving forward. Sometimes it’s the things we don’t do that leads us either towards our Destiny or delays our Destiny. What do I mean by...

What makes me tick?

Have you ever found yourself blow up over something small or trivial? Have you ever over reacted to something out of your control? Did you ever think that you could change these reactions? Well you...

I can see clearly now

I think of this song every time the sun breaks through the clouds when I’m driving. It’s a great example to me of heading to a destination and thinking that I know the way and the...

Are we there yet?

It’s around this time of year, every year that our goals come into question, the energy we had at the beginning of the year has slowly diminished and the end of year festivals and looking...

To empower or not to empower?

Okay so that’s not really the right question however it did get your attention! I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and they were saying that they weren’t feeling so great...

Give Up To Go Up!

Have you ever been learning something or listening to someone and thought ” That’s a great idea!”, ” I should start doing that!” or ” I wish that was me!’ I...